Numeric Spin data editor controls are intended for the efficient and precise input of numerical values. By combining an edit box with up/down spin buttons, users may either type to input directly or utilize the spin buttons to increase or decrease the value. This method promotes faster and less error-prone data entry than manual typing, particularly for large quantities or recurrent value revisions. Many spin editors include built-in validation, range limitations, data type selection, and formatting choices, which further improve data accuracy.
Many .NET WinForms data editor collections contain numeric spin components including:
- DevExpress WinForms Data Editors (part of DevExpress WinForms) offers a versatile numeric spin control for editing values intuitively, using spin buttons, text input, or the mouse wheel.
- Telerik UI for WinForms Data Editors (part of Telerik UI for WinForms) provides a customizable, skinnable alternative to the standard numeric up-down control, with built-in validation and range constraints.
- ComponentOne Studio WinForms Input and Editors (part of ComponentOne Studio WinForms by MESCIUS) features a numeric spin editor supporting various data types, masking, and custom increment/decrement steps.
- Infragistics Ultimate UI for Windows Forms Data Editors (part of Infragistics Ultimate UI for Windows Forms) delivers a comprehensive, configurable numeric spin editor with built-in themes, and localization options.
- Syncfusion Essential Studio WinForms Data Editors (part of Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise) includes a user-friendly numeric spin editor allows customization of up-down buttons and supports different themes and styles.
For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our comparison of WinForms data editors.